John Sothoron

To receive residual of Uncle Benjamin Sothoron’s estate upon death of his father Richard, as per Benjamin’s will of 1745/6 (see his Notes).

Bequeathed along with his brother Richard, in their father’s will of 1782, " mill and what land the mill stands upon, and all lands that are necessary for the mill use, to wit Long Look for come at Last, part of Sothorons Desire, and Seagby...," as well as personalty John & Richard were the executors of that will (see father’s Notes).

** Land records - Maryland

Daniel Charles Heath & wife Mary of New Castle Co, Delaware sell to John Sothoron, son of Richard Sothoron of Charles Co. planter, for £900, part of Loving Brothers. On branch of Piles fresh, 304 acres. Witness: John Leach Knight, William Matthews. (64{V#3}:492, Charles Co., 1778.10.03, Recorded 1780.10.03)

Daniel Charles Heath & wife Mary of New Castle Co, Delaware, sell to John Sothoron son of Richard Sothoron of Charles Co. for £900, part of Loving Brothers. On a branch emptying into Piles fresh, 304 acres. Witness: John Leach Knight, Wm. Matthews.

- Starts at a marked Beach tree (reads left to right, by row):

N 12 W 92pp N 76 W 10pp       S 64 E 128pp
N 58 E 84pp S 30 W 40pp   S 33 W 64pp
NW 245pp S 76 W 20pp   S 53 E 26pp
S 33 30' E 58pp N 60 W 34pp   SE 52pp
S 11 E 40pp W 40pp   S 38 W 68pp
S 19 W 50pp N 33 E 64pp   S 36 E 65pp
S 58 W 8pp N 11 W 35pp   NE 191pp
S 19 W 18pp S 33 W 160pp   N 68 W 170pp
N 33 E 50pp to starting point        

(Prov Court Land Rec 23{DD#6}:502, Charles Co., 1780.10.03, Recorded 1785.10.05)

John Forbes Charles Co. merchant sells to John Sothoron Charles Co. for £65, land in Benedict Leonard Town of Charles Co. a piece of property purchased formerly of Richard Smith, "...and is numbered six..." Witness: John Morton, Benjamin Dyson. (68{Z#3}:93, Charles Co., 1784.08.20, Recorded 1784.09.15)

Recorded at request of buyers. John Swann & Elizabeth his wife, Joseph Swann & Agnes his wife, Seth Barton & Sarah Emerson his wife, May Maxwell & Mary Maxwell, all of Baltimore Town, five of the daughters and co-heirs of George Maxwell of Charles Co. deceased sell to Richard Sothoron, Benjamin Sothoron, John Johnson Sothoron & Ann his wife of St. Mary’s Co.; and to Jonathan Anderson & Mary his wife, Levin Sothoron & Rebecca his wife, James Briscoe & Elizabeth his wife of Charles Co.. John Sothoron late of Charles Co. had on 20 January 1789 agreed to purchase from John Swann & Elizabeth his wife, Helen Maxwell (now Helen Tabbs, wife to Barton Tabbs St. Mary’s Co.), Agnes Maxwell (now Agnes Swann wife to Joseph Swann), Sarah Emerson Maxwell (now Barton), John Campbell & Marion his wife, May Maxwell the tract called Maxwell's seat, 487 ½ acres at £2.16 per acre. Sothoron died intestate and left Richard Sothoron, Benjamin Sothoron, Ann Sothoron wife of John Johnson Sothoron, Mary Anderson wife of Jonathan Anderson, Rebecca Sothoron wife of Levin Sothoron and Elizabeth Briscoe wife of James Briscoe his legal heirs and representatives. £975 paid for 5/7 undivided parts of said tract. Witness: J. Campbell, Jas. Bryden. (K#4:282, Charles Co., 1791.01.27, Recorded 1791.06.25)


Richard Sothoron, Benjamin Sothoron , John Johnson Sothoron et ux Ann, all of St. Mary's Co., convey to John Campbell 3/6 interest in "Maxwell's Seat."  (DAR Report - Charles Co., MD Land Records K4:302, Drawn 20 Aug 1791, Recorded 8 Sept 1791)

** Tax records - Charles Co., Maryland

1783 Tax List, District 3. John Sothoron. Land: 707 acres, value 972.2.6. Slaves: 10, value 315. Plate: 5 oz. Livestock: 7 horses, 10 cattle, value 43. Other property: 76.17.6. Total value: 1410, Assessment: 14.2, Ditto in Specie: 3.10.6. White inhabitants: 1.

** Census schedules - Charles Co., Maryland

John Sothoron was in Durham Parish, Bryan Hundred in 1775 (Early Census Index)

1778. Bryan Town Hundred, p. 116. John Sothoron (* {Early Census Index - Oath of Fidelity})

John Sothoron listed in Bryan Town Hundred in the Census of 1775-8. Includes those over 18 years of age. (Per MdHR card file, is found in Liber X, f. 639). (Brumbaugh* 1:311)

1790 Federal Census (1790.08.22) pg 52, John Sothoron

Free white males 16 & older....1

** Church activities - Newport, Trinity Parish, Charles Co., Maryland

John Sothoron elected as a Church Warden. He was present at meetings of the Vestry 10 April, 6 May, 20 July, 1 Aug, 5 Sept & 11 December 1769. (Vestry Minutes {MSA M258}:78)

John Sothoron elected from position of Church Warden to Vestryman. Qualified 3 July1770. . (Vestry Minutes {MSA M258}:79)

John Sothoron still a vestryman, not present for this meeting, nor the ones on 7 August1770 and 4 December1770. . (Vestry Minutes {MSA M258}:80)

John Sothoron still a vestryman, present at the meeting. . (Vestry Minutes {MSA M258}:80)

John Sothoron still a vestryman, present at the meeting; he was not present at the meeting on 20 July1771. . (Vestry Minutes {MSA M258}:81)

John Sothoron still a vestryman, present at this meeting and the one on 20 April1772. He was absent from the meeting on 2 Nov1771. . (Vestry Minutes {MSA M258}:81)

John Sothoron still a vestryman, present at this meeting and the one on 4 August1772. He was absent from the meetings on 21 July and 6 October1772. . (Vestry Minutes {MSA M258}:82)

John Sothoron turned out as vestryman, having served since 1770; appointed Church Warden. He was present at a meeting of the Vestry on 19 June1773. . (Vestry Minutes {MSA M258}:83)

John Sothoron elected to the Vestry from the position of Church Warden. Qualified 24 May 1774. . (Vestry Minutes {MSA M258}:85)

John Johnson Sothoron & Levin Sothoron named as two of four other sufficient planters during nominations for Inspector of Tobacco. John Sothoron present at this meeting and the ones held 25 Oct & 15 Nov 1774; and on 17 April & 21 Sept 1775. . (Vestry Minutes {MSA M258}:87)

John Sothoron present at meeting of Vestry. No further Vestry minutes recorded until 4 June 1779. John Sothoron was not a Vestryman at that time (page 150). . (Vestry Minutes {MSA M258}:88)

First minutes since 12 May 1776. John Sothoron no longer a vestryman. . (Vestry Minutes {MSA M258}:150)

Lists of subscribers by Hundred. No Sothorons in West, East, Benedict or Newport Hundreds. John Sothoron listed as a non-subscriber in Bryan Town Hundred. Henry G. Sothoron listed as a subscriber in an adjacent parish. . (Vestry Minutes {MSA M258}:154)

** Military activity - Maryland

Original document of roster of Capt. Sothoron’s Company of the 6th Batalion (sic) of Militia, in Camp at St. George’s. The list includes:

    Entered   Discharged   Number of Days
  Capt. Henry G. Sothoron Absent        
  William Kilgour, 2d LT. July 16, 1776   July 26, 1776   11, of which acted as Capt.
  Henry Tubman, 1 LT July 17, 1776   July 21, 1776   5, as Captain
  John Johnson Sothoron July 17, 1776   July 21, 1776   5
  Samuel Southoron, of Saml July 17, 1776   July 23, 1776   7
  Richard Sothoron July 17, 1776   July 23, 1776   7
  Richard Sothoron of Saml July 17, 1776   July 21, 1776   5
  John Sothoron of Saml July 17, 1776   July 23, 1776   7

(Maryland State Papers {MSA S 997-6-1470}, St. Mary’s Co., 1776.07.26)

Booklet containing the full Oath of Fidelity with names of those having taken it, from Hundreds of Bryan Town, Newport, East Newport, Portobacco; all of Charles Co; Joshua Sander's return. Includes the name of John Sothoron. (Calendar of Maryland State Papers {Blue Book* 5:116 - V, 24, 873}, Charles Co., Recorded 1778.03.01)

** Activities as surety, witness, appraiser- Maryland

Was a surety for his sister Elizabeth as administratrix for her husband Thomas Gerrard Slye (died 1764 - see his Notes).

Was a witness to uncle Samuel’s will (see his Notes).

John Sothoron, along with James Waters & William Waters, witnesses to the validity of the will of William Poston of Charles Co.. (Chancery Rec 38:458, 1777.05.29)

Was surety to James Briscoe as guardian of John Southern Slye in 1779 (see Slye’s Notes).

Letters of Testamentary granted on the estate of Hezekiah Farrand to Mary Farrand & her bond with Thomas Dent & Joseph Manning her sureties in the sum of £200. On 21 June 1783 the inventory was returned, amounting to £116.18.04 ¾, appraised by Joseph Morton & John Sothoron. (Wills B#1:147, Charles Co., 1783.04.19, Recorded 1783.06.21)

Bonding of Leonard Letchworth, John Sothoran & John Estep of Charles Co. to the State for £100, for services of Leonard Letchworth as Inspector at Benedict tobacco warehouse. Witness: William Shaw, Benet Dyson. (Prov Court 26{JG#1}:275, Charles Co., 1788.06.10, Recorded 1788.12.13)

Undated letter from Leonard Letchworth, tobacco inspector for the Benedict warehouse, to John E. Howard, Governor of Maryland. Notes nomination of Francis Wheatley, Hezekiah Edwards, John Sothoron & John Rouse Adams by the Charles Co. Court for service as tobacco inspector at Benedict warehouse. Reccomends John Sothoron be commissioned for the post, finding him well qualified & capable in respect to integrity, reputation & diligence. (MD State Papers {MSA S 1004-89-22204}, about 1790)

** Estate - Charles Co., Maryland

Letters of administration on the estate of John Sothoron granted and committed unto Richard Sothoron his bond with Elisha Wheatley & John Wheatley his sureties in the sum of £3,000. (Wills AI#10:519, 1790.10.25)

Estate of John Sothoron, appraised by Alexander McPherson & Robert Gill, attested by H.G. Sothoron & Richard Sothoron, kindred. Creditors include John Forbes & Benjamin Davis. Richard Sothoron, administrator. Includes 16 cattle, 66 hogs, 9 horses, 4 plows, surveyors instruments, large bible, (?)7 beds, 4 female slaves. "At quarter": 5 horses, 12 sheep, 14 cattle, 22 hogs, one old book. Total value £782.8.11½. (Inv {1791-1797} :22, 1790.11.13, Recorded 1791.05.09)

First Account of Richard Sothoron administrator of John Sothoron late of Charles Co. dec'd.

- Inventory amount.....£782.08.11½

- Monies received..........42.10.09 ¾

- Monies paid................74.02.10 ¼

- Balance.....................771.13.08½ (Admin Accts :35, Recorded 1791.09.12)

Administrative Docket entry:

  State To shew cause why he does not pass final account
   43     vs  - renew
  Richard Sothoron admr. of      
  John Sothoron (Proc Orphans Court :66, 1792.02)

Administrative Docket entry:

   40     vs To shew cause why he does not pass final account.
  Richard Sothoron admr. of      
  John Sothoron (Proc Orphans Court :96, 1792.08)

Administrative Docket entry:

  State Citation to Sheriff of St. Mary’s County to shew cause
   47     vs why he does not pass final account. No return.
  Richard Sothoron admr. of       Renew.
  John Sothoron (Proc Orphans Court :111, 1792.10)

Administrative Docket entry:

  State Citation St. Mary’s Co.. Summoned to shew cause why
   53     vs he does not pass final account. Further enlarged till
  Richard Sothoron admr. of     April 1793. Cont.
  John Sothoron (Proc Orphans Court :125, 1792.12)

Administrative Docket entry:

  State Cont. from last Court - 1 Cont.
   41     vs Ordered to pass final acct. by next Term - Cont.
  Richard Sothoron admr. of      
  John Sothoron (Proc Orphans Court :143, 1793.02)

Administrative Docket entry:

  State Cont. from last Court - 2 Cont.
   37     vs Ordered to pass final acct. by this Term.
  Richard Sothoron admr. of     Order enlarged to next Term. - Cont
  John Sothoron (Proc Orphans Court :163, 1793.04)

Administrative Docket entry:

  State Cont. from last Court - 3 Cont.
   35     vs Order to pass final acct. enlarged this Term. Issue
  Richard Sothoron admr. of     Attachment
  John Sothoron Contd. (Proc Orphans Court :176, 1793.06)

Administrative Docket entry:

  State Cont. from last Court - 4 Cont.
   32     vs Ordered to pass final acct. by last Term - Cont.
  Richard Sothoron admr. of      
  John Sothoron (Proc Orphans Court :188, 1793.08)

Administrative Docket entry:

  State Cont. from last Court - 5 Cont.
   27     vs Ordered to pass final acct. by last Term - Cont.
  Richard Sothoron admr. of      
  John Sothoron (Proc Orphans Court :199, 1793.10)

Administrative Docket entry:

  State Cont. from last Court - 6 Cont.
   37     vs Ordered to pass final acct. by last Term - Cont.
  Richard Sothoron admr. of      
  John Sothoron (Proc Orphans Court :210, 1793.12)

Administrative Docket entry:

  State  Cont. from last Court - 8 Cont.
   24     vs Ordered to pass final acct. by last Term - Cont.
  Richard Sothoron admr. of      
  John Sothoron (Proc Orphans Court :245, 1794.02)

Administrative Docket entry:

  State Cont. from last Court - 9 Cont.
   24     vs Ordered to pass final acct. by last June Term.
  Richard Sothoron admr. of     St. Court.
  John Sothoron (Proc Orphans Court :263, 1794.04)

List of Original Papers includes John Sothoron Administrative Bond. (Wills AI#10:507, 1795.12)

Citation Docket, December Term 1797

  Henry Anderson Citation - to answer the complaint of Henry Anderson
   69    agt and to show cause why they do not make a final
  John Hooper Broome &    settlement of John Sothoron's estate.
  Catherine his wife execs. Petition filed. Renew.
  of Richard Sothoron who was  
  adminx. of John Sothoron (Proc Orphans Court :211, 1797.12)

Citation Docket:

  Henry Anderson Citation Saint Mary’s Co. - no return. To answer the
   35    agt complaint of Henry Anderson & to show cause why
  John Hooper Broome &    .they do not make a final settlement of John
  Catherine his wife execs. Sothoron’s estate. Renew
  of Richard Sothoron who was  
  adminx. of John Sothoron (Proc Orphans Court :247, 1798.02)

Citation Docket:

  Henry Anderson Citation Saint Mary’s Co. - no return. To answer the
   22    agt Bill of complaint of said Anderson and to show cause
  John Hooper Broome &    .why they do not make a final settlement of John
  Catherine his wife execs. Sothoron's estate. Renew.
  of Richard Sothoron who was  
  adminx. of John Sothoron (Proc Orphans Court :280, 1798.04)

Citation Docket:

  Henry Anderson Citation Saint Mary’s Co. - no return. To answer the
   38    agt Bill of complaint of said Anderson and to show cause
  John Hooper Broome &    .why they do not make a final settlement of John
  Catherine his wife execs. Sothoron's estate.
  of Richard Sothoron who was Renew.
  adminx. of John Sothoron (Proc Orphans Court :316, 1798.06)

Citation Docket:

  Henry Anderson Citation St. Mary’s Co. - no return. To show cause
   20    agt why they do not make a final settlement of said
  John Hooper Broome &    .Dec’ed. estate.
  Catherine his wife execs. Renew.
  of Richard Sothoron who was  
  adminx. of John Sothoron (Proc Orphans Court :410, 1798.10)

December term, 1798. John Sothoron Admn. De Bonis Non Bond. Catherine Sothoron, Hooper Broome & Wm. Brammel bound to State for £2000. Catherine Sothoron the adminx. De Bonis Non of John Sothoron dec'd, administered by Richard Sothoron the former administrator since also deceased. Bonded for true inventory before 24 Feb next, true account by 24 Nov next. Witness: Humphrey Barnes. (Proc Orphans Court :447, 1798.11.24)

Citation Docket:

  Henry Anderson Citation Saint Mary’s Co. - no return. To answer
   69    agt the Bill of complaint of said Anderson & to show cause
  John Hooper Broome &    .why they do not make a final settlement of John
  Catherine his wife execs. Sothoron's estate. Letter of Administration granted
  of Richard Sothoron who was Catherine Sothoron. Struck off, Deft. paying costs.
  adminx. of John Sothoron (Proc Orphans Court :436, 1798.12)

Received from Mr. Charles Smoot this date & ordered by the Court to be recorded as final settlement, receipts from the representatives of John Sothoron to his administratrix De Bonis Non. Cites letter from Thomas L. Sothoron dated 3 September 1803, noting monies due as executor of the estate of his father, Levin Sothoron, from a deal made in Mr. John Forbes' store. Other letters from other heirs certifying receipt of monies & properties due:

- Elizabeth Briscoe, dated 3 September 1803.

- Benjamin Sothoron, dated 3 September 1803.

- John Johnson Sothoron, dated 3 September 1803.

- Mary Anderson, dated 23 November 1803. (Proc Orphans Court :76, 1803.12.13)

Final account of Leonard Canter, late of Charles Co., deceased, by his administrator James Canter. Monies received from several persons, including John Sothoron, Hooper Broome, John Forbes & others. Representatives: Widow & 5 children (Lydia, Ann, Henry, Levin & Horatio Canter). (* {Accts}, 1805.08.14)

** Miscellaneous - Maryland

State of His Lordship's Manor of Chaptico, In St. Mary's Co., January 1768:

- Lot (plat) #18, leased 25 December 1742 to John Johnson Sothoron, 354 ½ acres. Tenant in possession James Thomas. Annual rent 1.18.6. Alien fine of 7.14.0. Lived on by Henry Greenfield Sothoron, 36 years old; Richard Sothoron, 26 years old; John Sothoron, 25 years old. (Brumbaugh* 2:69)

Sale recorded at the request of Charles Southerine of Charles Co.. John Winn of Prince George's Co. sells to John Southerine of Charles Co. one Negro woman named Rachel, for £50. (Land Rec 20{BB#3}:129, Prince George’s Co., 1772.11.19, Recorded 1772.11.26)

1794 will of brother Richard refers to land he inherited from brother John, which is to be sold & proceeds divided amongst his heirs (see Richard’s Notes).

In his will of 1799 Levin Sothoron leaves his son Thomas L. Part of Sothoron Discovery (113 acres) “...where John Sothoron dwelt.” (see Levin’s Notes).

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.